PLD Lockdown challenge submissions
The Photography Lock Down challenge is a biweekly submission as part of the PLD Facebook group organised by the leading photographer and trainer, Mike Browne. Each challenge has a broad topic which we are all free to interpret our own way. These images have been my submissions to date.
DEEP - deep shadows, shoppers at St Albans market
LIGHT - Morning light from Glastonbury Torr
FACE - Chad, Wot No ....... A reference to the Chad, Wot NO... cartoons from WW2
DETAIL - I choose this in the end. Any idea what this is?
FOCUS of the image - tiny tiny fungi high up a tree trunk
SHOWME - using a variety of techniques make it obvious what the focus of the image is. This is a shallow depth of field with falling leaves in the foreground, both emphasising the leaves in the mid ground.
Black and White - Knebworth House Park has these two almost comical trees. As the sky was all low cloud with no detail I thought it ideal for the the Black and White challenge submission.
#PLDMERRY my new bauble
#night, the task was a photo taken at night, this was my Sainsbury Click and Collect man at attention.
#phone challenge, TV glow lighting a decanter
#PLDWalk, a Happy skipping walk, Spring must be around the corner
The #PLDshine challenge, traditional shiny apples
#PLDthreecolour challenge